Cloud Eye Service (CES)

The CES client is the command-line interface (CLI) for the Cloud Eye Service (CES) API and its extensions.

For help on a specific ces command, enter:

$ openstack ces help SUBCOMMAND

Alarm Rule Operations

ces alarm create

Create CloudEye alarm rule

openstack ces alarm create
    [--enabled <enabled>]
    [--description <description>]
    [--action-enabled ACTION_ENABLED]
    [--level <level>]
    [--alarm-action-type <alarm_action_type>]
    [--alarm-action-notification-list <alarm_action_notification_list>]
    [--ok-action-type <ok_action_type>]
    [--ok-action-notification-list <ok_action_notification_list>]
    --comparison-operator <comparison_operator>
    --count <count>
    --filter <filter>
    --period <period>
    [--unit <unit>]
    --value <value>
    --dimension name
    --metric-name <metric_name>
    --namespace <namespace>
--enabled <enabled>

State of the alarm. True: enable alarm (default) False: disable alarm

--description <description>

Description of the alarm

--action-enabled <ACTION_ENABLED>

Specifies whether the alarm action is triggered

--level <level>

Indicates the alarm level 1: critical 2: major 3: minor 4: informational

--alarm-action-type <alarm_action_type>

Specifies the alarms action type. notification: notification will be sent to user autoscaling: scaling action will be triggered

--alarm-action-notification-list <alarm_action_notification_list>

Specifies the list of objects being notified when alarm status changes. URN example structure: urn:smn:region:68438a86d98e427e907e0097b7e35d48:sd The parameter can be given multiple times to notify multiple targets.

--ok-action-type <ok_action_type>

Specifies the alarms action type. notification: notification will be sent to user autoscaling: scaling action will be triggered

--ok-action-notification-list <ok_action_notification_list>

Specifies the list of objects being notified when alarm status changes. URN example structure: urn:smn:region:68438a86d98e427e907e0097b7e35d48:sd The parameter can be given multiple times to notify multiple targets.

--comparison-operator <comparison_operator>

Specifies the conditions comparison operator

--count <count>

Specifies how many times the alarm condition has to triggered until Alarm raises. Value range: 1 to 5

--filter <filter>

Specifies the data rollup method. Values: max, min, average, sum, variance

--period <period>

Indicates the interval (in seconds) for checking whether the configured alarm rules are met.

--unit <unit>

Specifies data unit.

--value <value>

Specifies the alarm threshold. Values: 0 to max(int)

--dimension name=<dimension-name>,value=<dimensions-value>

Example: –dimension name=instance_id,value=123456-bfdba93d4123 Repeat option to provide multiple dimensions.

--metric-name <metric_name>

Specifies the metric name

--namespace <namespace>

Specifies the namespace of the metric such as: SYS.ECS, SYS.AS


Alarm name

This command is provided by the otcextensions plugin.

ces alarm delete

Delete CES alarm

openstack ces alarm delete <alarm> [<alarm> ...]

UUID or name of the alarm.

This command is provided by the otcextensions plugin.

ces alarm list

List CES alarms

openstack ces alarm list
    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
    [--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated


sort the column(s) in ascending order


sort the column(s) in descending order

This command is provided by the otcextensions plugin.

ces alarm show

Show CloudEye alarm rule details

openstack ces alarm show <alarm>

UUID or name of the alarm rule.

This command is provided by the otcextensions plugin.

ces alarm switch state

Switch Alarm status.

openstack ces alarm switch state <alarm>

UUID or name of the alarm.

This command is provided by the otcextensions plugin.

Metric Operations

ces metric list

List CES Metrics

openstack ces metric list
    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
    [--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
    [--namespace <namespace>]
    [--metric-name <metric_name>]
    [--unit <unit>]
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated


sort the column(s) in ascending order


sort the column(s) in descending order

--namespace <namespace>

Namespace of the monitored object, e.g. SYS.ECS, SYS.VPC

--metric-name <metric_name>

Name of the metrics object.

--unit <unit>

Unit which is measured.

This command is provided by the otcextensions plugin.

Quota Operations

ces quota list

List CES alarm quota

openstack ces quota list
    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
    [--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated


sort the column(s) in ascending order


sort the column(s) in descending order

This command is provided by the otcextensions plugin.

Event Data Operations

ces event data list

List CES event data

openstack ces event data list
    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
    [--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
    --namespace <namespace>
    --type <type>
    --dim <key
    --time-from <from>
    --time-to <to>
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated


sort the column(s) in ascending order


sort the column(s) in descending order

--namespace <namespace>

Specifies the namespace of the metric such as: SYS.ECS, SYS.AS

--type <type>

Specifies the event type such as: instance_host_info

--dim <key,value>

Specifies the monitoring dimension: dim.0=instance_id,123-456-789

--time-from <from>

UNIX timestamp in ms from which the data is collected.

--time-to <to>

UNIX timestamp in ms to which the data is collected.

This command is provided by the otcextensions plugin.