Cloud Container Engine (CCE)

The CCE client is the command-line interface (CLI) for the Cloud Container Engine (CCE) API and its extensions for the CCE v2. It can be enabled by either adding cce_api_version: 3 into the clouds.yaml or OS_CCE_API_VERSION=3 environment variable or flag to the OSC.

For help on a specific cce command, enter:

$ openstack cce help SUBCOMMAND

Cluster v2 operations

cce cluster certificate show

Show Cluster certificates details

openstack cce cluster certificate show <cluster>

ID of the cluster.

This command is provided by the otcextensions plugin.

cce cluster create

Create CCE Cluster

openstack cce cluster create
    [--description <description>]
    [--version <version>]
    --flavor <flavor>
    [--type {VirtualMachine}]
    [--container-network-mode {overlay_l2,underlay_ipvlan,vpc-router}]
    [--container-network-cidr <CIDR>]
    [--wait-interval WAIT_INTERVAL]
    [--wait-timeout WAIT_TIMEOUT]
--description <description>

Text description of the cluster.


Support for multi-AZ cluster

--version <version>

Cluster version.

--flavor <flavor>

Cluster flavor.

--type {VirtualMachine}

Cluster type.

--container-network-mode {overlay_l2,underlay_ipvlan,vpc-router}

Container network mode.

--container-network-cidr <CIDR>

Network segment of the container network.


Wait for the instance to become active

--wait-interval <WAIT_INTERVAL>

Interval for checking status

--wait-timeout <WAIT_TIMEOUT>

Wait timeout


Name of the cluster.


ID or name the Neutron Router.


ID or name of the Neutron network.

This command is provided by the otcextensions plugin.

cce cluster delete

Delete CCE Cluster

openstack cce cluster delete
    [--wait-interval WAIT_INTERVAL]
    [--wait-timeout WAIT_TIMEOUT]

Wait for the instance to become active

--wait-interval <WAIT_INTERVAL>

Interval for checking status

--wait-timeout <WAIT_TIMEOUT>

Wait timeout


Name or ID of the cluster

This command is provided by the otcextensions plugin.

cce cluster list

List CCE Clusters

openstack cce cluster list
    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
    [--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated


sort the column(s) in ascending order


sort the column(s) in descending order

This command is provided by the otcextensions plugin.

cce cluster node create

Create CCE Cluster Node

openstack cce cluster node create
    [--name <name>]
    [--annotation <key_name>=<value_name>]
    --availability-zone <availability_zone>
    [--bandwidth <bandwidth>]
    [--count <count>]
    [--data-volume volumetype=<volumetype>,size=<disksize>,encrypted=<True|False>,cmk_id=<cmk_id>]
    [--dedicated-host <dedicated_host>]
    [--ecs-group <group_id>]
    [--fault-domain <fault_domain>]
    --flavor <flavor>
    [--floating-ip <floating_ip>]
    [--fip-count <fip_count>]
    [--k8s-tag <key_name>=<value_name>]
    [--label <key_name>=<value_name>]
    [--lvm-config <lvm_config>]
    [--max-pods <max_pods>]
    --network <network>
    [--node-image-id <node_image_id>]
    [--os <operating_system>]
    [--postinstall-script <postinstall_script>]
    [--preinstall-script <preinstall_script>]
    [--root-volume-size <root_volume_size>]
    [--root-volume-type <root_volume_type>]
    --ssh-key <ssh_key>
    [--tag key=<keyname1>,value=<value1>]
    [--wait-interval <interval>]
    [--wait-timeout <timeout>]
--name <name>

Name of the CCE node. The clustername and a random number is used to create a node name by default.

--annotation <key_name>=<value_name>

Annotations in form of key, value pairs.Repeat option for multiple tags. Example: –annotation keyname1=valuename1 –annotation keyname2=valuename2

--availability-zone <availability_zone>

Availability zone to place server in.

--bandwidth <bandwidth>

Bandwidth of the floating ip being created. fip-countmust be specified if bandwidth is used.

--count <count>

Count of the cluster nodes to be created. Default: 1.

--data-volume volumetype=<volumetype>,size=<disksize>,encrypted=<True|False>,cmk_id=<cmk_id>

Example: –data-volume volumetype=SATA,size=100,encrypted=True,cmk_id=12345qwertz Repeat option for multiple data volumes. Default: –data-volume volumetype=SATA,size=100

--dedicated-host <dedicated_host>

Name or ID of the Dedicated Host to which nodes scheduled.

--ecs-group <group_id>

ID of the ECS group where the CCE node can belong to.

--fault-domain <fault_domain>

The node is created in the specified fault domain.

--flavor <flavor>

The flavor for the node.

--floating-ip <floating_ip>

Address or ID of the existing floating IP to be attached to the new node. Repeat option for multiple IPs to be attached to multiple nodes.

--fip-count <fip_count>

Count of floating IP addresses being attached to one or more nodes. The parameter must be used together withbandwidth.

--k8s-tag <key_name>=<value_name>

Kubernetes tags in form of key, value pairs. Repeat option for multiple tags. Example: –k8s-tag keyname1=valuename1 –k8s-tag keyname2=valuename2

--label <key_name>=<value_name>

Option labels in form of key, value pairs. Repeat option for multiple labels. Example: –label keyname1=valuename1 –label keyname2=valuename2

--lvm-config <lvm_config>

ConfigMap of the Docker data disk.

--max-pods <max_pods>

Maximum number of pods on the node

--network <network>

ID or name of the network where the node will be created.

--node-image-id <node_image_id>

ID of a custom image used in a bare metal scenario.

--os <operating_system>

Operating system of the cluster node.

--postinstall-script <postinstall_script>

Base64 encoded post installation script.

--preinstall-script <preinstall_script>

Base64 encoded pre installation script.

--root-volume-size <root_volume_size>

Root volume size in GB.

--root-volume-type <root_volume_type>

Root volume type. Options: SAS, SATA, SSD.

--ssh-key <ssh_key>

SSH Key used to create the node.

--tag key=<keyname1>,value=<value1>

List of tags used to build UI labels. Repeat option for multiple tags. Example: –tag key=mykey1,value=myvalue1


Wait for the instance to become active

--wait-interval <interval>

Check interval in seconds for successful creation checkwhen param wait is True.

--wait-timeout <timeout>

Maximum time in seconds to wait for successful creationwhen param wait is True.


ID or name of the CCE cluster.

This command is provided by the otcextensions plugin.

cce cluster node delete

Delete CCE Cluster nodes

openstack cce cluster node delete <cluster> <node> [<node> ...]

ID of the cluster.


Name of the cluster node.

This command is provided by the otcextensions plugin.

cce cluster node list

List CCE Cluster Nodes

openstack cce cluster node list
    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
    [--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated


sort the column(s) in ascending order


sort the column(s) in descending order


The ID or name of the cluster.

This command is provided by the otcextensions plugin.

cce cluster node show

Show single Cluster node details

openstack cce cluster node show <cluster> <node>

ID of the cluster.


ID of the cluster node.

This command is provided by the otcextensions plugin.

cce cluster show

Show single Cluster details

openstack cce cluster show <cluster>

ID of the cluster

This command is provided by the otcextensions plugin.