Cloud Search Service (CSS)

Cloud Search Service is a fully hosted distributed search service powered on Elasticsearch. It is fully compatible with Elasticsearch APIs and provides users with structured and unstructured data search, statistics, and report capabilities.

CSS Cluster

List CSS Clusters

This interface is used to query an CSS cluster list.. Cluster.

import openstack

conn = openstack.connect(cloud='otc')


Create CSS Cluster

This interface is used to create a CSS cluster with parameters. Cluster.

import openstack

conn = openstack.connect(cloud='otc')

attrs = {
    'name': 'ES-Test',
    'instanceNum': 3,
    'datastore': {
        'type': 'elasticsearch',
        'version': '7.6.2'
    'instance': {
        'availability_zone': 'eu-de-01',
        'flavorRef': 'css.xlarge.2',
        'volume': {
            'volume_type': 'COMMON',
            'size': 100

        'nics': {
            'vpcId': 'vpcId',
            'netId': 'netId',
            'securityGroupId': 'securityGroupId'
    'httpsEnable': 'false',
    'diskEncryption': {

Get CSS Cluster

This interface is used to get a CSS cluster by ID or an instance of class Cluster.

import openstack

conn = openstack.connect(cloud='otc')

cluster_id = 'cluster-uuid'
resp = conn.css.get_cluster(cluster_id)

Find CSS Cluster

This interface is used to find a CSS cluster by id or name. Cluster.

import openstack

conn = openstack.connect(cloud='otc')

name_or_id = 'css-test-1'
resp = conn.css.find_cluster(
    name_or_id, ignore_missing=False)

Restart CSS Cluster

This interface is used to restart a CSS cluster by id or an instance of class Cluster.

import openstack

conn = openstack.connect(cloud='otc')

cluster_id = 'cluter-uuid'

Extend CSS Cluster

This interface is used to extend CSS cluster by id or an instance of class Cluster.

import openstack

conn = openstack.connect(cloud='otc')

cluster_id = 'cluster-uuid'
add_nodes = 2
conn.css.extend_cluster(cluster_id, add_nodes)

Extend CSS Cluster Nodes

This interface is used to extend CSS cluster nodes by id or an instance of class Cluster.

import openstack

conn = openstack.connect(cloud='otc')

cluster_id = 'cluster-uuid'
attrs = {
    "grow": [
        {"type": "ess-master", "nodesize": 2, "disksize": 0},
        {"type": "ess", "nodesize": 0, "disksize": 60},
        {"type": "ess-client", "nodesize": 1, "disksize": 0}
conn.css.extend_cluster_nodes(cluster_id, **attrs)

Delete CSS Cluster

This interface is used to delete a CSS Cluster by ID or an instance of class Cluster.

import openstack

conn = openstack.connect(cloud='otc')

cluster_id = 'cluster-uuid'

CSS Cluster Snapshot

The SNAT function translates a private IP address to a public IP address by binding EIPs to servers in a VPC, providing secure and efficient access to the Internet.

List Snapshots

This interface is used to query all snapshots of a cluster by id or an instance of cluster class. Snapshot.

import openstack

conn = openstack.connect(cloud='otc')

cluster_id = 'cluster-uuid'

Create Snapshot

This interface is used to manually create a snapshot by id or an instance of cluster class. Snapshot.

import openstack

conn = openstack.connect(cloud='otc')

cluster_id = 'cluster-uuid'
attrs = {
    "name": "snapshot_001",
    "indices": "myindex1,myindex2",
    "description": ""

result = conn.css.create_snapshot(cluster_id, **attrs)

Restore Snapshot

This interface is used to restore a snapshot with indices to a target cluster. Snapshot.

import openstack

conn = openstack.connect(cloud='otc')

attrs = {
    "targetCluster": "target-cluster-uuid",
    "indices": "myindex1,myindex2"

cluster_id = 'cluster-uuid'
snapshot_id = 'snapshot-uuid'

conn.css.restore_snapshot(cluster_id, snapshot_id, **attrs)

Delete Snapshot

This interface is used to delete a manually created snapshot of a cluster. This interface requires id or an instance of cluster class and id of the snapshot. Snapshot.

import openstack

conn = openstack.connect(cloud='otc')

cluster_id = 'cluster-uuid'
snapshot_id = 'snapshot-uuid'
conn.css.delete_snapshot(cluster_id, snapshot_id)

Set Snapshot Policy

This interface is used to set parameters related to automatic snapshot creation for a cluster. SnapshotPolicy.

import openstack

conn = openstack.connect(cloud='otc')

attrs = {
    "prefix": "snapshot",
    "period": "16:00 GMT+08:00",
    "keepday": 7,
    "enable": "true"

cluster_id = 'cluster-uuid'
resp = conn.css.set_snapshot_policy(cluster_id, **attrs)

Get Snapshot Policy

This interface is used to query the automatic snapshot creation policy for a cluster. SnapshotPolicy.

import openstack

conn = openstack.connect(cloud='otc')

cluster_id = 'cluster-uuid'
resp = conn.css.get_snapshot_policy(cluster_id)

Set Snapshot Configuration

This interface is used to set basic configurations for a cluster snapshot, including configuring OBS buckets and IAM agency. SnapshotConfiguration.

import openstack

conn = openstack.connect(cloud='otc')

cluster_id = 'cluster-uuid'

# Set Cluster Snapshot Configuration automatically.
conn.css.set_snapshot_configuration(cluster_id, auto_setting=True)

# Set Cluster Snapshot Configuration with custom bucket & agency.
attrs = {
    "bucket": "css-backup-1626212749424",
    "agency": "css_obs_agency"
conn.css.set_snapshot_configuration(cluster_id, **attrs)

Disable Snapshot Function

This interface is used to disable the snapshot function for a cluster. Snapshot.

import openstack

conn = openstack.connect(cloud='otc')

cluster_id = 'cluster-uuid'