
The CCE Node Pool Class

The NodePool class inherits from Resource.

class otcextensions.sdk.cce.v3.node_pool.NodePool(_synchronized=False, connection=None, **attrs)

The base resource

  • _synchronized (bool) – This is not intended to be used directly. See new() and existing().

  • connection (openstack.connection.Connection) – Reference to the Connection being used. Defaults to None to allow Resource objects to be used without an active Connection, such as in unit tests. Use of self._connection in Resource code should protect itself with a check for None.


Cluster status

classmethod new(**kwargs)

Create a new instance of this resource.

When creating the instance set the _synchronized parameter of Resource to False to indicate that the resource does not yet exist on the server side. This marks all attributes passed in **kwargs as “dirty” on the resource, and thusly tracked as necessary in subsequent calls such as update().


kwargs (dict) – Each of the named arguments will be set as attributes on the resulting Resource object.